My Thinkdesk subscription expired in september, I just noticed. But I wonder, is there any point renewing?
There's only two apps in the pacakge. KeepSafe and Multiplicity. KeepSafe I haven't used for a couple of years now. Not sure I really need it. Multiplicity I have bought the Pro version of (which sasys it doesn't have an expiery date..?)
I haven't been around WC that much the past few years, so I'm not up to speed with everything. What is the status of ThinkDesk? Are there new things to come for that package?
And on the topic of Multiplicity, some years ago it was said a Mac version was worked on? Or was it linux? ... In any case, I have use for both. Has there been news on that? Has it been scrapped?
At the moment I use Synercy to connect to my Mac and Linux box - which despite the lack of updates for years, works great. Probably the only reason I've stuck with MP for my windows machines is that I'd already bought it and the UI is a bit friendlier.
Any news or summary would be nice.